General Practitioner (GP) Dr Charis Korpis offers a number of medical services at EK Clinic Brackley. The private GP services include:
- Well Woman/Well Man Medicals
- Imaging Referral
- Shotgun Licence
- Firearm Licence
- Taxi/HGV Medical
- Corporate Heath Checks
- Sexual Health Screening
We are unfortunately unable to accept patients under 18.
Dr Korpis studied for his MB BS at St George's Medical School in London. He has a wealth of experience in both hospital medicine and as a GP.
Price List
Private GP Services
Medicals - From £90
Well Man and Well Woman Consultations - £100
Digagnostics (a full range of pathology test are available) - Prices on request
Go Cardless
Save with us monthly or weekly towards your treatment plan. Contact us today for more information

Next Steps
If you are interested in this service, please contact us via email or call the clinic on 01280 703352.
EK Recommendations
Remember - Healthy skin is a fundamental building block in the success of non-surgical treatment. We provide a range of medical grade cosmeceutical skincare to optimise your aesthetics treatment results. We only recommend products we use and believe in.